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Founded in 2018 as a pilot program, the Junior Board is part of an ongoing Community House effort to expand its reach and engage with a wider, more diverse audience. 

During its inaugural year, the newly formed sixteen-member Junior Board created a committee structure, adopted bylaws and assisted with fundraising events produced by the Community House Woman’s Board, volunteering with check-in and raffle sales at Winnetka’s Antiques and Modernism Show, Breakfast with Santa and the Board of Governors’ winter fundraiser, as well as the Community House’s annual Wine and Beer Tasting and Fashion Show. 


Junior Board Bake Sale

After receiving an overwhelmingly-positive response from the community, the Junior Board began organizing its own small fundraisers, including a bake sale and toy drive, ultimately exceeding its fundraising expectations and donating dozens of toys to children in need.


Helpful Junior Board Elves at Santa’s Breakfast

Building on this success, the Junior Board voted unanimously to host its own 5K spring Fun Run. With only four months lead time, Junior Board members worked tirelessly around their busy schedules to plan, promote, and execute a community-wide event that raised significant funds for the Community House.

By the end of its 2018-19 inaugural year, the Community House Junior Board had welcomed thirty new members to the board and launched a solid fundraising and volunteering plan for the future. 


Members of 2019-2020 Junior Board


The 2022-23 Community House Junior Board consists of fifty-two youth volunteers and a fifteen-member Women’s Board Advisory Council. 

Junior Board members meet once a month to socialize, brainstorm and coordinate planning efforts for upcoming fundraising events. Meetings typically take place on Sundays (usually the second Sunday of the month) at the Community House from 4:00-5:00 PM.